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Jung & Vassar
Jung & Vassar is a Hawaii-based business law firm with a team of experienced lawyers who specialize in various areas of practice. Let's meet some of the key members of their team:
- Francis L. Jung: Frank has 46 years of experience as a lawyer in Washington, D.C. and Hawaii. He is knowledgeable in international trade and antitrust law and has served as a member of the United States Foreign Claims Settlement Commission.
- Thomas W. Vassar: Thomas has 39 years of experience and is licensed to practice in Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Hawaii. His areas of expertise include business law, business litigation, international law, corporate law, and real estate.
- David Harrison Lawton: David focuses on civil litigation, real property disputes, commercial landlord-tenant issues, and contract law. He is admitted to practice before state courts in Hawaii and California, as well as federal courts including the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
- Carol Monahan Jung: With 16 years of experience as a real estate and business litigation lawyer in Hawaii, Carol specializes in drafting and negotiation of contracts, lease agreements, corporate formation and operations, business acquisitions, and more.
- Emil Anthony Macasinag: Emil has experience as an environmental attorney handling contractual disputes, business torts, personal injury cases related to environmental pollution. He is licensed to practice in Hawaii and California.
These are just a few members of the dedicated team at Jung & Vassar who offer their expertise to clients seeking legal assistance for their business or real estate matters in Hawaii.